Wednesday, November 26, 2008

learning English from newspapers

a good newspaper/ tabloid is but a mirror of contemporary English and its usage.

people who feel their Grammar is poor, get hold of your newspapers and markers and start practicing

mark the tenses, singular- plural, prepositions in the paper and then reinvent the rules for yourself ...


Sharde said...

Ah, this! Am intrigued by the 'reinvent the rules for yourself' bit!

Can you please explain what you meant by that? One of the most tedious things I find about English is that none of the rules can be changed! Even the exceptions or rule-breakers are also unchangeable!!

Language is alive, and reflects living people and existing societal mores. So, who indeed has the power to change the rules? I wonder...

nancy said...

i guess you misunderstood 'reinvent' as I put it....

I have no intentions of changing the Rules but I do wish to find out different ways to better understand the language...